We represent and provide entertainment for corporations, associations, trade shows, fairs & festivals, and large and small concerts all across the United States of America. We only work with quality, proven, professional entertainers!
Local - Regional and National Entertainers
Keywords: Music,Comedy,entertainment,bands,comedians,musicians,entertainers,magicians,hypnotists,Indiana,dance bands,mentalists,illusionists,jugglers,agencies,bureaus,Indianapolis,convention,meetings,parties,
Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
I have owned the business since 1987 and its ancestry goes back to a small theatrical agency that was started in 1917. I am the fourth owner of the corporation.
What is your primary product or service?
Music & Comedy for Conventions, Corporations, Fairs/Festivals, Concert Series, Trade Shows, Awards Banquets, Special Events, and Christmas Parties.
How did you first become interested in your line of business? (if owner) - What is your background? (If owner or store manager)
I've been involved in some form of the entertainment business off and on since 1971. I've worked as an On Air DJ, ran sound & lights for show bands, and later went to work for the previous owner.
How do you differentiate yourself from other businesses in your category and area?
I'm not an agent, but a consultant. . . I work to get the client the most for their entertainment dollar, yet at the same time work to get the best deal for the entertainer too. That's why my hair is silver!
How many locations do you have and do you have plans to expand?
One location. . . I'm not planning to expand, but you never know what tomorrow will bring.
What type of payments do you accept?
Cash, Corporate Check, Money Orders, Bank Checks -
No Plastic!
Which areas do you service?
Local, Regional, National
Who owns your company or runs daily operations?
I do
What are your hours of operation?
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm